Children’s Dentistry
When you bring your child to the dentist from an early age they will learn that dental visits are a normal part of life. They will form healthy dental habits and will avoid developing dental anxiety later in life.
A child’s first visit should be around the time of their first birthday and may just involve lying in the chair on top of your chest. A good tip is to bring them with you when you have your own regular check-up so they can see you having your teeth examined and hence will make them more receptive when it’s their turn.

What is involved?
During your child’s checkup we will be looking at the health of their gums and to see if teeth are coming through straight. It’s never too early to start teaching them about correct brushing and flossing techniques and encouraging independence in these.
Your role in caring for your child’s teeth at home
Ongoing modelling, assistance and supervision of brushing by the parent is vital for a child’s oral health. This means ensuring your child brushes their teeth every morning and night after meals. Learning to floss once a child’s teeth have all come through is also critical.
Medicare Child Dental Benefits
Children aged between two and seventeen years old are able to be assessed for eligibility at the beginning of each calendar year for the entirety of the coming year and can access dental treatment of up to $1000. To be eligible, a child must qualify for Medicare, and they must be a part of a family who receives an applicable government payment, for example the Family Tax Benefit Part A.
You should receive notification automatically from the Department of Health if your child is eligible or you can check by phoning Medicare on 132011.
The CDBS provides children with a range of dental treatments including examinations, x-rays, cleaning, fluoride, fissure sealing, fillings, root canals, extractions, as well as treatment under IV sedation. Benefits are not available for orthodontics or cosmetic dental work. Parents can’t claim their child’s treatment on both Private Health Insurance as well as CDBS.
Our dentists do treat patients under the CDBS, so once you determine your eligibility, please call us to arrange an appointment.
Please let us know when you make the appointment that your child is eligible for the CDBS and you will need to bring your eligibility letter with you to show us.
We will prepare an estimate of treatment to show you at reception and you will need to sign a consent form.
As we are a Non Bulk-Billing Provider the cost of the treatment will need to be paid at the end of the appointment and then we provide you with the paperwork for you to claim through Medicare. There is a small gap fee.